09-May-2018Seminar Hall / Classroom

Python BootCamp

The Bootcamp was a series of Python workshops which was held for interested students of Sahyadri. The main initiative of this series of workshops was to basically train the attendees/participants from beginner to advanced level in Python.

Python is a general-purpose language which is designed to be simple to read and write. The point that it’s not a complex language is important. The designers placed less of an emphasis on conventional syntax, which makes it easier to work with, even for non-programmers or developers.

All the workshops are BYOC


Day-1 was held at one of the class rooms and more than 40 attendees were present for the workshop. The Day-1 of the bootcamp covered the basic concepts of Python where the attendees had hands on experience with installations and running the programs and learning the data structure. Attendees were also given up with some excercises to complete and submit before the day-2 of the python-bootcamp.

Topics Covered were

  • Variables
  • Data Structures
  • Data Manipulation
  • Looping Statements
  • Conditional Statements
  • Functions (Brief)

Day-1 Slides: https://slides.com/abhiigatty/python-bootcamp-day-1/


Day-2 was held at the same venue as Day-1 where more focus was on intermediate concepts that were covered in detail and at the end of the workshop we asked a few questions to the attendees and asked them to come forth and share their experience and they gave us positive feedback as this was the first major workshop and stepping stone for SOSC, it was vital to understand the attendees and swags were given out for the attendees who came forth. 💖

Day-2 Slides: Python Requests

Topics Covered were

  • Functions
  • Files I/O
  • Modules
  • Try & Exceptions

Trainers and Mentors